Multilingual knowledge

If you create multilingual versions of your knowledge articles, then rebuilding your knowledge database using the Knowledge Management Administration component in Console builds a separate search index for each language. The index for the default language is in the index folder at the location specified in Configuration Center (for example, ProgramData\LANDesk\ServiceDesk\servicedesk.Framework\index). Each language you have added translations for has its own index in a subfolder named after its language code (for example, the German index is in index\de-DE).

Folder structure for multilingual Lucene indexes

After importing translations for articles, you need to use the Rebuild Knowledge action in the Knowledge Management Administration component of Console to update the search collections.

When you have added your translations and rebuilt the knowledge indexes, users can search for and read knowledge articles in their own language. Text that has been translated appears in their language of choice, and text that has not been translated appears in the default language for your system.

For example, if your base language is English, and an English-speaking user logs in, they can search for knowledge in English and find articles in English.

If a German-speaking user logs in, they can search for knowledge in German and find the same articles but with German translations where they have been provided. If a string has not been translated, it appears in the default language - in this example, English.

Remember to keep all of the different language versions up to date. If you make a change to an article in the default language, make sure you also update the other languages. You can design your Article process to help you to manage this (see Process Designer for more information).